Saturday, May 5, 2012

Oprah's Life Classes

I'm an Oprah "disciple."  Her life classes are really worth watching.  If you have missed any you can catch up by going to and joining her site.  I promise you wont be disappointed.

Following are the guest speakers and topics taught to date:

               1.  Iyanla Vanzant, "Stopping the Pain"
               2.  Tony Robbins, "Living Fearlessly"
               3.  Bishop T. D. Jakes, "Live with Purpose"
               4  Four Teachers, "The Power of Forgiveness"
               5.  Deepak Chopra, "Spiritual Solutions"
               6,  Life Class Teachers, Mastering the Art of Gratitude"

Self help is a wonderful thing.  Check it out!

1 comment:

  1. I love Oprah for putting these Life Classes on every week I would be ready with my pen and paper taking notes.I really did get a lot out of those classed.
