Wednesday, July 23, 2014

My Little Road Scholar

Terrance (TJ) is my great grandson and road scholar.  One of the many great things my granddaughter and her husband has done with him is expose him to traveling.  He was never too young or too small to accompany us on trips. As a result he is probably one of the families most seasoned global explorer.

Recently he was accepted into the Student Ambassador Program.This experience allowed him to visit England, France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria and Switzerland.  This once in a lifetime opportunity has opened his eyes to global and historical perspectives, as well as inspirational stories shared and lessons learned.

In order for Terrance to have this life changing experience his parents had to raise money, and I am so proud and thankful of  the family and friends who responded with donations. The overwhelming response was a true testament of his character and the impressions he has made in his very young life.

He is back home now and very excited about the contacts and friends he has made.  Following is a little collage of his adventure:

Keep-on-keeping-on, TJ!  We Love you!

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