I have four great-grand children who have embarked upon a new phase in their development and have really met the challenge with grace and charm. Two of them completed high school and two embarked upon a first year dancing experience. All four of which I'm extremely proud!
First let me introduce you to Tatiana. You probably remember her from her annual father and daughter dances, which I chronicle in my blog. This year she too tap, ballet and hip hop dance classes. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend her recital but I was told she held her own and did a wonderful job.
She has since revealed to us that she really would rather learn acrobatics, so Gymnastics here we come!
TJ's senior year culminated into his graduation and what a celebration! Beginning with the ceremony which was all "Pomp and Circumstances." His family and friends were all smiles and filled with pride and happiness for his accomplishments.
After the ceremony the meet and greet was surely a joyous event. People were everywhere gathered to exalt the children and we were no exception!
Pasta Bella's was TJ's choice for dining and so the after party was continued with savory pasta dishes, laughter and good conversations capturing the moment and remembering the journey.
Well, the day ended, but the plan had just begun. We had to get ready for the "All White Party" being held the very next day. Momma Mia!
Family and friends had traveled miles to help TJ celebrate his high school graduation and encourage his collage adventure soon to come. A barbecue and "All White Party" would be his send off. Mars Hill university is his destination http://www.mhu.edu/ and this couldn't have been a prouder occasion.
Let the party begin! Four generations gathered with family and friends to celebrate education. The gauntlet is now his with a word from the wise "Be vigilant my child!" What a great event and wonderful send off!
While TJ attended his college orientation, another great grand, named Mikia emerged with a couple of celebrations of her own. My girl is marching out of Kindergarten into First Grade with a few awards of her own. Woohoo!
To top it off, I was able to attend Mikia's dance recital. Boy did that bring back fond memories of the days when her grand mother, my daughter, danced, It was a bit like deja vu! Except now my daughter was the stage grand mother, supporting her grand daughter's endeavor to be great.
What a vacation! My friends keep asking, "What did you do?" "Did you have fun?" Fun can't capture the joy and fulfillment of my time with my most prized possessions, my children. They are and will always be the most prized gift of my existence.
Upon my return home there was still one celebration I needed to attend. Amari was waiting for his grand march, another high school graduate blazing his path. I was surprised to learn that Amari received the Sherman F. Feyler Award, in recognition of his language skills. Bravo!
His meet and greet was shared by his family, mentor and friend.
Afterwards, as Amari would say, "We hung out!" Went to lunch at the Red Lobster and took in a movie to celebrate his accomplishment.
Well as you know, I have many grands and great grands to brag about, so stay tuned. I just wake up every morning and say, "Thank you Jesus."